Eco-Friendly Foam

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Send EnquiryEco-Friendly Foam - C6 Type
Certain firefighting foams more environmentally friendly than others. These are known as C6 types of foams. The common C8 foam used can cause an environmental impact or liability during storage, use and discharge into the environment. Substituting one foam for another may make small improvements in environmental protection. But the best method of ensuring such protection is to design the system properly with the correct amount of foam and water, carry out required system maintenance, prevent accidental discharges, and provide a method of capture and control for any foam discharges. Non Eco-friendly foam also has a huge impact on ozone depletion.
SFFECO trades and supplies eco-friendly C6 foam concentrates like AFFF, AR-AFFF, FFFP and FP. We are dedicated to being a environment friendly and promote use of eco-friendly products and practices to ensure we build a brighter future for the generations to come.