Secutech Thailand 2019
After successful completion of SECUTECH Vietnam, SFFECO GLOBAL FZE has participated for the first time in SECUTECH Thailand 2019 putting a step forward in the most exciting country of Southeast Asia.
The event was held from the 28th October 2019 to 31st October 2019 and displayed around “160” exhibitors in the field of Security and Fire safety from major European, Middle East and Southeast Asian countries.
The event held in BITEC (Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre) by M/s. Messe Frankfurt has provided an outstanding platform for major Fire safety equipment manufacturing companies (like SFFECO GLOBAL) to interact with the local distributors, contractors, and end-users from various Government Organizations like Military, Airforce, and Heath sectors.
It was indeed an excellent chance to display our Product and Solutions in the field of Fire and safety and to speak to the customers understanding their basic difficulties.
Continuing from a great response from Secutech Vietnam, we displayed our products focusing on UL/FM Approved SFFECO Fire Pumps, UL/FM approved Black stallion Diesel engine and Clean Agent systems in Secutech Thailand and were overwhelmed to get a very positive response in this Country as well.
We appreciate the continuous efforts of the Organizers and would like to thank the local and international coordinators who had given every possible support during various stages of the 4-day event.
To summarise the event, we consider this as a “gate opener” for SFFECO GLOBAL in one of the largest markets in Southeast Asia- “Thailand”
We look forward to many such useful events and extend our support to serve every bit of this society with our longstanding experience to provide better solutions in Fire Protection with quality and certified products.